
Are you ready for the summer?
Camp packages for ages 2 to teens! Don't forget to include your Counselors, Staff and Directors.
They love to Crush the Course, too!
WE COME TO YOU! No need to rent buses or leave the comfort and convenience of your own facility. Our portable Challenge Course brings the action right to your camp, indoors or outdoors. We accommodate participants of all ages and abilities, including special abilities campers. Our Course has been constructed to challenge agility, coordination, balance, speed, and endurance. Navigating the obstacles will promote problem solving and team-building and boost confidence and self-esteem.
Child's Play Challenge Courses is committed to keeping your campers active and engaged in a fun and motivational setting. Our team of Course Masters will completely set-up, run the activity and load-out, engaging with your campers, lending a hand and cheering them on every step of the way.
We are completely self-contained and can set up our activity on grass, turf, pavement, or inside on gym floors or other indoor surfaces. Inside spaces need to be on the ground level with no stairs and direct access to load-in from the truck.
Our flexible inclement weather policy allows you to cancel or reschedule (based on our availability) with no penalty, if a backup indoor space is not available. We can also operate in light rain, based on your preference.
Thousands of campers, counselors, staff, and directors have Crushed our Course and we are ideal for team challenges, color wars, ninja days, Olympics and boot camp themes, carnivals, open houses, and more. We will tailor the ideal activity for your facility.
We accommodate campers in small groups according to age range of approximately 25-40 campers for 30-45 minute sessions. We are very flexible and will work with you to create the ideal package for your day.
The Challenge Course
Rock Wall
Teeter Plank
Hazard Walls
Agility Poles
Floating Ninja Steps
Monkey Bars (height adjustable)
Noodle Tower
Tire Run
Cargo Net Crawl
Course Masters to set-up, run the activity and load out
Timed team competitions
Course Crushing music
add-ons available for purchase
Personalized Certificates of Achievement
Course Crusher T-Shirts
1st, 2nd, 3rd place, and MVP medals

Thomas Coffey, Director
Southampton Camp & Club
Matt and Lauren were not only a pleasure to work with, but their team was amazing on the day. The campers and staff loved the event and that was greatly influenced by the passion, energy and professionalism that they brought. They tailored the apparatus and the Course to fit our campers ages and needs and really made the event something to remember. This is a wonderfully innovative special event to bring to a camp and we'll definitely be booking more Course Crushing in the future!"

Heidi Hersh, Director
Black Bear Lake Day Camp
Thank you for a great two days! Our campers and staff loved the obstacle course. The Child's Play team were fantastic and a pleasure to work with. They always had smiles on their faces and made the campers feel safe and comfortable. Excellent experience all around!"
course crushing camp clients
Acheinu Day Camp
Advanced Education Summer Camp
Alpine Acres Day Camp
Bais Esther Boys Camp
Bais Esther Day Camp
Bais Yakov Academy
Barrons Bungalow Colony
Bedminster Recreation Department
Ben Porat Yosef
Berkshire Hills Eisenberg Camp
Beth Jacob of Boro Park
Black Bear Day Camp
Boonton Recreation Department
Breezemont Day Camp
Cambridge Club of Aberdeen
Camp Adas Yereim
Camp Agudah
Camp Aish
Camp Aliyah
Camp Anovim
Camp Areivim
Camp Avnet
Camp Azamrah
Camp Bais Shifra
Camp Baiseinu
Camp Bizzi Bee
Camp B'Lev Echad
Camp Bnos Einu
Camp Bnos Ruach Chaim
Camp Bnos Sanz
Camp Briar Hill
Camp By The Bay
Camp Calvary
Camp Chaveiros
Camp Chaverim of the Y
Camp Chayil
Camp Chen-A-Wanda
Camp Chevrya
Camp Chomeish
Camp Coolam
Camp CPE
Camp Darchenu
Camp Deeny Riback
Camp Doll House
Camp Dora Golding
Camp Dream Street
Camp Felix
Camp Gan Israel Highland Park
Camp Gan Israel Rockland County
Camp Hachee Kedai
Camp Hello Kiddy
Camp Jersey Girls
Camp Kesser Malka
Camp Kevutza
Camp Kimama
Camp Kinder Ring
Camp Laruach
Camp Lavi
Camp Leeba
Camp Lehava
Camp Levavi
Camp M&N
Camp Malka
Camp Machane Yisrael
Camp Machna Be'er Yashaya
Camp Machne Bais Rochel
Camp Machne Rav Tov
Camp Mechaya
Camp Meyuchad
Camp Migdal
Camp Mizmor
Camp Mogen Avraham
Camp Morris Girls, Camp Rina
Camp Na'aleh
Camp Nachlei Emunah
Camp Neranina
Camp Nofesh
Camp Oneg
Camp Ohr Chedvah
Camp Palgai Mayim
Camp Ramaquois
Camp Regesh
Camp Rina Morris Girls
Camp Ruach L'banos
Camp Sternberg
Camp Summer Playland
Camp Tashbar
Camp TBC
Camp Tehilla
Camp Veritans
Camp Viznitz Girls
Camp Watershed Newark
Camp Wayne for Boys
Camp Westmont
Camp Yachad
Camp Yaldei Gohova
Camp Yaldeinu
Camp Yedidos
Campus Day Camp
Carson Simpson Farm Christian Camp
Central Queens YMCA
CGI United
Chabad of Hunterdon County
Chabad of Suffern
Chabad of South Brunswick
Chabad of Union County
Champions Summer Day Camp
Chatham Day School
Chavivos Day Camp
Clark Recreation Department
Congressional Day Camp
Country Side Acres Day Camp
Cranford Recreation Department
Cresskill Recreation Department
Deal Sephardic Community Center
Diamond Estates
East Brunswick Day Camp
East Orange YMCA
Edgewood Country Club
Fair Lawn Jewish Camp
Fallsburg Hills Day Camp
Fanwood Recreation Department
Fanwood Scotch Plain YMCA
Featherbed Lane Day Camp
Frogbridge Day Camp
Gate Hill Day Camp
Garden Terrace Day Camp
Garwood Recreation Department
Girl Scouts of Northern NJ
Goddard School - Fanwood
Goddard School - Randolph
Goddard School - Wayne
Goddard School - Woodbridge
Golden Hills Day Camp
Green Brook Country Club
Greenfield Meadows
Hampton Country Day Camp
Harbor Haven Camp
Hillel Day Camp
Holmdel Recreation Department
Inner Circle 2
Ivy League Day Camp
Jack Dweck Sports Academy
JCC Bayonne
JCC Bridgewater
JCC Camps of Medford
Jeff Lake Camp
Jefferson Childcare Day Camp
Kaplen JCC on the Palisades
Kent Place School
Kiddie Academy of Cedar Knolls
Kids In The Game
Kinnelon Recreation Department
Kiwi Country Day Camp
Kochavim Day Camp
Lake Forest Estates
Lakeland Hills YMCA
Laurel Ledge Day Camp
Learning Garden Academy
Leisure Lake Day Camp
Lifetime Athletic Berkeley Heights
Lifetime Athletic Florham Park
Lifetime Athletic Garden City
Lifetime Athletic Harrison
Lifetime Athletic Princeton
Lightbridge Academy - Millburn
Lightbridge Academy - Summit
Linden Recreation Department
Lipkowitz Bungalows
Long Hill Recreation Department
Lubavitch Day Camp
Machane Bnos Monsey
Machane Pninim
Maplewood Recreation Department
Margate Recreation Department
Marlboro Recreation Department
Matthew Jago School
Mendham Day Camp
Menorah Camp
Menucha Respite Program
Metro YMCA of the Oranges
Mishkinos Day Camp
Montclair YMCA
Mount Tom Day Camp
Mountain Hill Day Camp
Neimah Day Camp
New Horizons Day Camp
Newmark School
Next Level Day Camp
North Plainfield Recreation Dept.
North Shore Day Camp
North Shore Hebrew Academy
Northern Valley Sports Academy
Orange Lawn Tennis Club
Park Slope Estates
Puerto Rican Association
for Human Development
Pupa Day Camp
Rahway Recreation Department
Ramah Day Camp
Regency Day Camp
Regesh 2 Camp
Ridgewood YMCA
Rolling River Day Camp
Ross St. School
Ruach Day Camp
Rye Recreation Department
Sephardic Community Center
Shevach Day Camp
Shoresh Day Camp
South Mountain YMCA
Southampton Camp & Club
Southwoods Camp
Special Children's Center
St. Anthony of Padua
Summer Trails Day Camp
Summit Recreation Department
Sunflower Bungalows
Surprise Lake Camp
Tall Pines Day Camp
The Jointure
The Learning Experience Old Bridge
Timber Lake Camp
Timber Lake West
Town and Country Camp
Tyler Hill Camp
Ultimate Sports Camp
Union Township Jr. Police Academy
Union Township Recreation Dept.
Upper Circle Day Camp
Vic's Ultimate Sports Camp
Victory Cottages
Viznitz Day Camp
Warren Recreation Department
Washington Township KinderCare
Waverly Gardens
Wayne Recreation Department
Wayne YMCA
Westchester Summer Day Camp
Westfield Recreation Department
Westfield YMCA
West Essex YMCA
Windsor Bergen Academy
Willow Woods Day Camp
Woodbridge Jr Police Academy
Woodcliff Lake Recreation Dept.
Yeshiva Orchos Chaim
Yeshiva Toras Emes
YMCA Delaware
Young Israel of Staten Island
Young Israel of Teaneck
Zupnick Day Camp