Studies across the globe show that excessive screen time in children is linked to obesity, behavioral problems, sleep disturbances, and social-emotional development. Although, our world today is undeniably digital, we believe that kids need more than coding and computers. It’s imperative that young folks interact with three-dimensional spaces and activities to acquire problem-solving skills and develop critical thinking. There is an essential need to explore their environment using all their senses to learn about the world.
As a mom, I’ve waged my fair share of wars on my daughter’s digital obsession. One monumental victory resulted in taking away her technology for 4 weeks for a crime that I vaguely remember. What I do wistfully recall was the magic that followed in the absence of electronics. Piano keys were uncovered, paint hit canvas, and our dogs went for rides across the kitchen on a dusted off skateboard. (I was too excited about her new-found creativity to worry about the dogs, who seemed to enjoy the ruckus.) It was a special time that taught me the importance of taking time to unplug and play. A lesson that years later would live on through the mission of our soon-to-be family business.
At Child’s Play Challenge Courses, we believe in the power of physical play to strengthen focus and awaken a mind overflowing with electronics.

Maybe it comes from growing up in the 80's, but we learned more about big hair and fanny packs back then. We learned about the importance of face-to-face interactions and forging bonds by playing outside until the street lights came on. And so, our mission today is to bring folks of all ages and abilities together, beyond the reliance of social media and excessive screen time to unplug and play.
Don’t forget that adults need more than screen time, too. You don't need to be "like a ninja-warrior" to actively engage with family and friends. There are everyday ways you can encourage the mini ninjas in your life (and yourself) to step away from the cell phone, tablet and gaming console.
Take a family “pack walk” with your dog and connect with nature; admire colorful leaves, interesting rocks, cloud patterns, and sunsets.
Have a nighttime scavenger hunt by hiding household items outdoors and searching for them with flashlights. Set a timer, offer a prize and remember that bragging rights work, too.
Play I-spy in the supermarket, around the house, in the car, or anywhere that directs attention off the screen and onto the world around you.
Crush it as an awesome role model and lead by example. Prioritize fitness, stay active, pursue a sport, or simply pick the parking spot at the far end of the parking lot or take the stairs when possible.
Of course, at Child's Play Challenge Courses, we are partial to our awesome activities to uplug and play and think everyone should Crush the Course. Reach out to us today and let us customize the perfect package in the comfort and convenience of your own location. We can't wait to talk to you!